On International Women’s Day, we dedicated it to all the incredible women behind the brands we have the honor of representing and working with at Animazul—those who have entrusted us not only with bringing their beautiful handmade products from Latin America to Europe but also with sharing their inspiring stories.
Founders in this photo from left to right: Maria Pacheco from Wakami, Guatemala; Maria Domenica Atencio from Kanomi, Venezuela; Eleonora Varini from Eleonora Varini Jewels, Colombia; Carolina Baena from Jetlagmode, Colombia; Alida Boer (middle) with her team of weavers from Maria's Bag, Guatemala; Isabella Springmühl Tejada from Down to Xjabelle, Guatemala; Lourdes Grollimund, Mama Tierra, Venezuela/Colombia; Victoria Rivera from Victoria Rivera, Guatemala; Violeta Gutiérrez (middle) with her team of weavers from Chivas y Chivas, Guatemala; Camila and Nina Andrade from Sac de Soul, Guatemala; Katie Baric and Rosa Brem from Chimuk, Perú; Iliana Betancourt from Lilien, Guatemala; Ariela Suster (middle) with her team from Sequence Collection, El Salvador.
Each of them has a unique journey, background, and path, yet they all share a common vision: a commitment to creating change through their work. They have built sustainable businesses that empower the artisans—both women and men—who work alongside them, making a lasting, positive impact on their lives.
On #IWD, we celebrate and honor women around the world. At the same time, we must recognize that there is still much work to be done to ensure that all women and young girls have equal opportunities and rights. The journey continues, and together, we can keep pushing for change.